Pig, cow or sheep farming?

Reward: $1.00
Ideas posted: 2
Posted by: Kay

My husband and I would love to retire early and have a small farm. No farm would be complete without animals of course. We already have a place in mind that would be about 20 acres.

Any idea what kind of animal farming would be most suited for a small farm of that size and how many of the animals novices like us could care for properly?

My husband was raised on a farm and is physically strong. He knows a bit about working with animals from his childhood.  I'm the willing apprentice because I don't know anything. :)

Any information would be great. Thanks!

Category: Environment
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i want to offer encouragement. the nation needs more farmers! i would encourage you to look into the slow money alliance and some other resources. do you follow any cool food / farming blogs currently?

i am (like lots of people) heavily sympathetic to pollan's omnivore dilemma

i think you ll need a mixture of animals that will work together.

again. good luck and i think what you are doing is vital and couldnt be more excited for you both!
Feb 2, 2010