Cell Phone Signal Booster

Reward: $2.00
Ideas posted: 4
Posted by: BusinessGuy

In January I will be moving to a building where I get very poor cell-phone reception.  Outdoors my service is fine, but inside it is abysmal.  Since I use my cell phone for work (I don't have a home phone -- who does anymore?) I would like to find some way to improve this.

I don't really want to change networks -- I am very happy with my coverage and my phone.  So instead I'd like to find other ways to solve the problem.

I have heard of cell phone signal boosters, but do any of these devices actually work?  The silly stickers that you put on your phone don't seem very trustworthy, but what about the things that look like wireless routers?

Anyone have any experience with cell phone signal boosting?  What's the best, most cost-effective way to do it?  Ideally the solution would cost less than $300 because that's how much it would cost me to break my contract and switch phones to a different network that seems to work fine in the building.

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I used to work for walmart and the signal for my cell phone was low all the time meaning that I barely had one bar but I found out a way to better reception so I would go to a section in my department and get a good signal so what I am trying to say is that you should try that to see if it works because it worked for me.
Dec 15, 2010
You could get a cell phone signal booster. Wilson Electronics is a really good company to look into. They don't require a broadband connection, there is no monthly fees, and anyone else who comes into your new building would be able to benefit from the booster as well. They aren't carrier specific, and you can have as many phones using the booster as you want.
You can find an option for under $300. Here is a link to look at: http://www.amazon.com/Wilson-Electronics-801247-Desktop-Booster/dp/B0014KOB6Y/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s;=electronics&qid;=1292441779&sr;=8-1
Dec 15, 2010
Hmm well here are a few things I happen to know about cell phone reception.

A computer can interfere with or block the cell phone signal, as can electricity lines. Try to stand at least 4 feet away from the nearest operating computer or similiar heavy appliance, if you can shut them off, before checking your cell phone.

Clutch your cell phone to your chest, your natural energy output gives a 4v boost to radios, TV's and cell phones.

Try filling a tub full of water and sitting down next to it. Water is a natural signal booster.

If your lucky enough to have an option of a balcony step out into it, that should alleviate most poor signal symptoms.

Avoid: Electrical lines, heavy poured concrete, and heavy steel beams.

If your still having problems, my guess is that your apartment building is higher in elevation, than the nearest cell phone tower. You might try petitioning your phone company and your land lord to put a new cell phone tower on top of your building.

It's a little antenna in most cases, barely noticeable at all. This will definitely boost your local signal, and it will probably cost you nothing. Your land lord will probably gain some pocket cash, because cell phone companies want to be able to reach all of their customers, and would probably rent the space to put the tower there for around $25 a month depending on the provider's policies.
Dec 14, 2010
Get a signal booster antennae for a car, but put it on your office window.
Dec 14, 2010
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